DUI Attorney Rockville MD

With successes in litigating such as reduced sentences and even dropped charges, Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington knows what it takes to win a case in a court that serves the Rockville area. We help our clients achieve their goals by providing them with legal guidance they can trust and putting our 20 years of experience to work for them. 

There is a period of time before the district attorney will file charges against your DUI matter. You may or may not be arrested before charges are filed. If you hire Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington early, we may have an opportunity to prevent charges from being filed against you. 

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington will confidently pursue whichever direction you decide to take your case. After 20 years of handling difficult criminal defense cases in the Rockville area, Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington has learned many lessons about providing the best customer service and legal aid for our clients. From the moment you first contact our offices near the Rockville area, we are available to answer any questions you may have about your legal proceedings. 

Ready to call us today?

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington knows that you are struggling and deciding who should represent you during your DUI case. We want to make the choice easier, so we invite you to call us at (202) 486-1186 in order to learn more about what we can do for you, or you could visit our office at 1003 K Street for a more personal experience. 

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington
1003 K Street
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 486-1186