DUI Defense in Alexandria VA

At Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington, we have the experience and knowledge to use every available option to avoid a conviction on your record. With 20 years of experience helping clients in Alexandria, Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington has learned valuable lessons that will help us get the upper hand towards your dui defense case. 

At Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington, we have litigated for clients from all walks of life who are facing dui defense charges. If you have been charged with this crime in Alexandria, you can count on the 20 years of experience and knowledge of the team at Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington. 

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington wants to help you through your dui defense trial. We commit to helping our Alexandria clients through every step of the process so they know every detail about their case. Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington is here to assist you with your dui defense case and to attain a positive outcome. 

Give us a call

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington puts your needs first when we work towards a common goal for your dui defense case. Alexandria are clients have learned that we can provide them with a professional, smart and tough defense in order to have their needs met in a Alexandria courtroom. Call us at (202) 486-1186, or visit our offices at 1003 K Street and see how we can further assist you. 

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington | 1003 K Street | Washington, DC 20001 | (202) 486-1186