DUI Defense in Fort Washington MD

Clients that work with Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington benefit from the first-hand knowledge that we bring to every dui defense case. These charges are difficult to handle and leaving them up to a Fort Washington public defender could risk your freedom and livliehood. We will work with you to figure out how to best handle your dui defense case.

Clients throughout Fort Washington have learned to count on our attention to detail and our ability to scrutinize the details to get what we need. At Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington, we know that this has often made the difference during dui defense trials. 

A thorough evaluation of all the facts of your case, and all the claims that Fort Washington area prosecutors make against you, is necessary for a successful resolution to any dui defense case. Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington will always deliver a detailed and complete evaluation of your legal rights and the facts involved in any case. Beyond strong legal analysis, we at Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington have learned from 20 years of experience that finding additional dui defense professionals, witnesses and utilizing technology is equally as important as developing a proper defense for similar cases. 

Work with our team today!

Make sure your dui defense case goes the way you need it to. Get the defense in Fort Washington that only Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington can provide. Give us a call today at (202) 486-1186 and learn about how we can help you.

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington | 1003 K Street | Washington, DC 20001 | (202) 486-1186