Defense Attorney Silver Spring MD

It is not difficult to find a defense firm in Silver Spring, but to find the correct one can be an entirely different challenge all together. Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington, with 20 years of experience taking on the defense charges that our clients face, want to be your choice when it comes to these matters. 

Clients that work with Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington benefit from the first-hand knowledge that we bring to every defense case. These charges are difficult to handle and leaving them up to a Silver Spring public defender could risk your freedom and livliehood. We will work with you to figure out how to best handle your defense case.

To meet the daunting challenge of tackling the defense charges that out clients in Silver Spring face, we at Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington have used every experience over the course of 20 years to improve our abilities in trial. At Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington, we will work with you through every step of the defense trial process to ensure that your case gets handled appropriately, and we will also litigate extensively to your benefit. 

Work with our team today!

Make sure your defense case goes the way you need it to. Get the defense in Silver Spring that only Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington can provide. Give us a call today at (202) 486-1186 and learn about how we can help you.

Law Office of K. Lawson Wellington | 1003 K Street | Washington, DC 20001 | (202) 486-1186